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Static or animated – a picture is worth a thousand words. Use engaging assets like static or looped illustrations to tell a story on your favorite social media platforms.


Motion helps with attention, emotion and thus retention. I provide top quality videos, trailers and logoanimations for your user aquisition campaigns or corporate presentations.


But nothing is too complicated to be explained. Entertaining explanatory videos help your audience understand the purposes, functionalities and qualities of your products or services, no matter how complex they are.


More interactive formats such as mini-games provide your audience a virtual first experience with your product, whether online or at trade fairs.

Illustration & motion design specialist

I am a 10 years + verteran graphic-designer with experience in motion design, illustration and 3d.

During my career working at major companies such as Ubisoft Paris, I specialized myself in e-learning, mobile game development and creative marketing.

I am pro-efficient in several industry standard software such as the Adobe Creative Suite (especially Photoshop and After Effects), Blender 3D, Unity 3D, C# coding language.

Get in touch!

5 + 9 =

Wolfgang Tröstler

Motion Design // Illustration // 3d

+49 176 6311 6003
